Fletchers Skip Hire Sheffield Help With Christmas Tree Recycling
Christmas tree recycling Sheffield
We're proud to announce that we will support Bluebell Wood Children's Hospice for another year by recycling Christmas trees at our facility in Sheffield.
If you buy a real Christmas tree, it can be stressful knowing how to dispose of it or finding a way to transport it to your nearest disposal centre.
Each year in December, the hospice opens its registration for people across South Yorkshire to have their Christmas trees collected in January. So, you get to enjoy your Christmas and let them do the hard-work for you!
As a recycling partner, the Christmas trees will be brought to us so we can shred them and use the chippings to help grow new saplings, donate to local forest schools, or give to the animals at Yorkshire Wildlife Park.
Bluebell Wood ask for a donation for each tree, with a suggested donation of £10.00. Last year, they raised an amazing £31,000 for the families in their care.
The collection service is run from Thursday 5th January - Tuesday 17th January. Make sure you register early to make sure you don't miss out on a collection slot!
We can't wait to see all the trees come into the yard again early next year!
Register for your collection here - https://register.enthuse.com/ps/event/ChristmasTreeRecycling2023