InflataSkip Round Up
InflataSkip Round Up
Following our April Fools campaign, the InflataSkip, we thought we’d do a roundup of how it went. From newspaper coverage to hit the airwaves, InflataSkip was seen and talked about by thousands, and we are still so excited about how well it blew up (excuse the pun.)
If you’re in the waste management industry, you may have already seen our InflataSkip featured on Skip Hire Magazine and Lets Recycle's websites as their April Fools Joke. We are so grateful for this, especially as it helped us manage to fool a few people within the industry, commenting on how genius the idea was!
Local Sheffield Coverage
For those local to Sheffield, you will understand our excitement that Hallam FM chose to discuss the InflataSkip on-air as part of their April Fools jokes. Midway through the breakfast show, Big John announced he will be doing some work on his garden over the East Bank Holiday and had the perfect skip for the job - the InflataSkip! Like many, Liesl Soards was fooled live on the air and believed this was a real product by Fletchers Waste. Catch-up for yourself here:
The main question we keep getting asked is whether we received any orders for the skip, and the answer is…yes, many! In fact, over 300 people clicked ‘buy now’ and tried to order the InflataSkip, with multiple people also ringing our offices and messaging through Facebook.
Still dedicated to improving our environmental impact
One thing about the InflataSkip that seemed to resonate with so many was how environmentally friendly the skip was. As the skips would have been flat packed and sent in the post, it would mean a 50% decrease in skip wagons on the roads delivering skip hire in Sheffield.
At Fletchers, we are still very conscious about our environmental impact with skip hire in Sheffield, inflatable or not! Over 98% of our skip waste is recycled at our facility in Sheffield, and we continue to invest in reducing our carbon footprint with developments to our vehicle range. More can be read on our Green Credentials here.
Although we feel bad for fooling a few, thank you for showing an interest in our InflataSkip April Fools Campaign and making it so successful. Will we fool you again next year?